moon ticket

pondělí 27. ledna 2014

Most trending coins of January (the 31st apocalypse comin)

So in what coins I actually trust:

Dogecoin (to da jupiter)

Mooncoin (such new)
Potcoin (new)
Smartcoin (very new)
Dimecoin (interdasting)
Cagecoin (funny but crap)
Astrocoin (has potential but kinda confusin)
Colosuscoin (I don't know what the F am I doing)
coinyecoin (for teh fun)
Tipscoin (this will fucking reach $0,32 per coin so why not?)

The font size means how many I own OR how much I trust. 

Where I get the most information? Is this hype/rumor/fact? 

  • smartcoin
  • dogecoin
  • dogecoin-market
  • pumpcrypto
  • potcoin
  • mooncoin
  • tips
Now please let me sleep a little bit, i got work too. Wait for the 31st Jan apocalypse.

To da moon

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