Hey doges, dogecoin is slowly hitting da moon right? Yea doge was at 5M cap few days ago and now over 9M!
Anyway recently I have started with etoro - a social investment company, you can buy BTC stock, google, apple, amazon, etc. I bet there will be dogecoin soon.
I have chosen some what I call "vertical/exponential" companies that I will hold for a short to midterm, maybe like one week or so. I've bought these like one hour ago lol (srsly), yes right now there's not a profit but give it a time and wish me luck, you can try it and at the start you will get
such a gift $20 if you sign up under my
invitation. Send me your email, write it down or simply
pm me on reddit (veryinternet)so I can send you an invitation and you can start investing. I will get to you asap.
Such profit incoming
Some doge information for your time as always:
This is really really cool and I want them all srsly.
USAGE: DOGECOIN usage statistics - DOGE is the
most used cryptocurrency for smaller payments! (self.dogecoin)
Transactions last 24h in Bitcoin: 63,678
Transactions last 24h in DOGE: 97,242
Transactions avg. per hour in Bitcoin: 2,653
Transactions avg. per hour in DOGE: 4,037
Sent avg. per hour in Bitcoin: 33,136 BTC ($29,855,275 USD)
Sent avg. per hour in DOGE: 1,255,419,325 DOGE ($286,267
Avg. transaction value Bitcoin: 12.49 BTC ($11,252 USD)
Avg. transaction value DOGE: 309,846 DOGE ($70.65 USD)
GAMING:rizeGaming backing dogecoin as the new
payment method for online gaming
STORES:Didn't know there were many online stores that accept dogecoin.
Future looks great!
bmrf- ARMA DayZ server?, buy… billy passes?...
with dogecoin
shopdoge- shop with various things, like
doritos and raspberry pi devices
still digging for more online stores...
Edit- lubbilubbing's store added
Lenowow? I think doge will change marketing one day.
To da moon shibes, to da moon.